Why Coworking Is the Future of Work

We live in the time of changes, our life and surrounding us world goes forward. Elon Musk drives the progress of engineering, pharmacists discover new medicines and artificial intelligence develops at the speed of light.

Changes have also appeared in the field of freelance. Before, freelancers had been working at home or in cafes and restaurants, nowadays they have the opportunity to work in fully equipped offices, while remaining independent workers. Today this format of the working space is suitable for everyone, who is looking for independence.

The Trend of Coworking Spaces

The concept of “coworking” appeared recently, about ten years ago.  The first coworking space was opened in San-Francisco by a programmer Brad Newberg. Since then, such offices have been massively opened all around the world.

The rules of coworking are very simple. Previously employees, specialists or freelancers had a choice between only two possibilities: to work in office or at home. As soon as coworkings appeared, it has created a third alternative – to work in the office space, using all positive aspects of everyday office work.

Top benefits of coworkings

Coworking spaces have been very popular for several years. This success comes from the presence of a numerous advantages for the people who create and implement their ideas and projects. Below are mentioned positive aspects connected with coworkings:

  • People spend at work 60% of their lives. This is what we do most of our time – we create. Coworking takes the job to a completely different level. Your work becomes a social pleasure.
  • Another advantage of coworking communities is special events where you can meet interesting people, establish new contacts and even find potential clients.
  • For young entrepreneur coworking is an excellent solution, which will help to save the money and build up strong fundament for future victories. In coworking you pay only for a fix place, what relieves you of worries about paying other bills.
  • Coworking spaces help you to manage your time. You can stay in office for an 8 hours or 3 hours, no need to of a fix hours.
  • Many coworking spaces are equipped with their own cafes, lounge zones, libraries and many other interactive services as well as offers event spaces.
  • In coworking spaces you will find a special atmosphere of a community. When people next to you, create and invent, there are no options that you don’t become affected with such positive energy. It is this atmosphere that stimulates you to move forward and achieve set goals.

How to choose the best coworking space? I advise you to pay attention to the following advantages: location of the coworking space, additional services, the interior design and price.

Coworking is a new way not only to work, but to live.